WIDLIMS ep #20 – Nutrition in medical education with Nutritank
In today's interview, I spoke to Ally Jaffee (she/her) and Dr Iain Broadley (he/him) who founded Nutritank, a well-known UK hub for making lifestyle medicine and nutrition incorporated in medical education. We discuss..
- when Ally and Iain first came across the concept of lifestyle medicine
- what Nutritank is, as well as their mission and previous successes and highlights
- why it is so difficult to get lifestyle medicine in medical school curricula in the United Kingdom
- why it is important for medical students and doctors to learn about nutrition, despite there being dedicated dieticians and nutritionists in our healthcare system
- what the concepts of culinary medicine and social prescribing involve
- how medical students and doctors can get involved
Nutritank socials
Nutritank website: nutritank.com
Nutritank social media: Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin
Mentioned in the episode
- BMJ Paper: Nutrition in Medical Education – click HERE
- Student membership at Plant-Based Health Professionals UK – click HERE
- Free webinars via Plant-Based Health Professionals UK – click HERE to register for the upcoming ones
Further resources
There are so many places to teach yourself more about nutrition! I would recommend listening to my previous episodes and having a scroll through the widlims podcast category to browse headings and read articles with lots of links to further evidence and research. You can find all of that here.
Some credible resources for learning that I always recommend are:
- The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (founders of lifestyle medicine)
- Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
- Plant-Based Health Professionals UK
Final goodbye: last regular WIDLIMS episode for a while
So, what next?
This is my final regularly scheduled episode for a little while, but remember to stay in touch by following my socials @widlims (Instagram and Twitter) as I will still be posting and sharing relevant content. You’ll also find comprehensive show notes for all episodes, recipes and more on my website lindadoes.com (which is where you currently are).
I can’t overstate how overwhelmed and happy I have been with the response since starting this little project over summer. I bought a microphone (or well – my parents bought me one so shout out to them!!), worked out all technicalities, networked with all of my amazing guests, and I have been the only person editing each episode. I put in a lot of work into each one, with the goal to at least help one or two people learn something new, and I have definitely reached that goal! I do it all because I am so very passionate about holistic healthcare and evidence-based lifestyle medicine approaches, because they really do work, and I love sharing the science behind it and practical tips with you all.
However, I need to spend a little less time on WIDLIMS, and more on final year of university just now though, so I am taking a break from releasing episodes weekly. There may be a solo Sunday or two popping up if I can find the time, and I definitely will still be active on the @widlims Instagram and Twitter, so be sure to follow those.
With all that being said, thank you so much if you have read all the way to here and listened to my episodes this year. I hope to be back chilling out in your ears in the not too distant future.