WIDLIMS Podcast ep #2 – Behind the microphone with host Linda
This is the first solo Sunday episode with me, Linda (she/her), the host and creator of WIDLIMS - What I Didn't Learn in Medical School. I chat about...
- who I am, where I am from and my reasons for creating WIDLIMS
- my “biases” and outlook on health
- the show format going forward
- how to get in touch with me for feedback and general comments
DISCLAIMER: I am not a qualified doctor, and any information given in the podcast is for educational & entertainment purposes only. Seek medical advice that is tailored to your situation from a qualified healthcare professional!
Remember to follow me @widlims on Instagram and Twitter. This website is a hub for show notes for the podcast, but also general blogs and many other things such as vegan recipes, product reviews, and general musings.
For links to other podcast episodes, be sure to check out my page here, or check out the show notes for all episodes in the WIDLIMS podcast category. Podcast episodes are released weekly on a Sunday, for as long as I am able to keep it running (I am a medical student on placement most of the time…).
Mentioned in the episode
Plant-based nutrition course via the University of Winchester.
Dr Michael Greger’s How Not to Die and website NutritionFacts.org
Documentaries: Forks over Knives, What the Health, Game Changers and Code Blue (the first three available on Netflix)
Plant-Based Health Professionals UK: website and Instagram.
Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size (Dr Lindo Bacon). Also check out Christy Harrison and Laura Thomas PhD who are registered dieticians working according to these principles (also hosts of the Food Psych and Don’t Salt My Game podcasts).
About Me
You can read a little bit about me in a summary on my “About Me” page.
Otherwise, here are some crucial points about me…
- I am ethnically Scandinavian & Persian, but grew up mainly in central Europe and therefore speak a fair few languages. I have had a tendency to adapt my accent based on where I am living and who I am talking to… after several years in Scotland, I have definitely ended up with a Scottish accent/twang. When I speak to my North American friends, though, I often slip back into a more neutral English accent or an American one… Yup, confusing, but at least now you know why I may sound different in each episode!
- I went plant-based for health reasons in summer 2017, but have been an ethical vegan almost for as long. I believe a diet based around whole plant foods is the optimal one, as recommended by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and Plant-Based Health Professionals UK. In terms of health discussions, I am removed from the ethical vegan aspect of things, and prefer to discuss “plant-based nutrition” vs. talking about “vegan diets” to make this distinction clear.
- I have had little formal nutrition teaching in medical school, and am mostly self-taught. I did take a formal course via the University of Winchester in plant-based nutrition in Autumn 2019, however.
- I am obviously pro-health, but for me that includes Intuitive Eating and rejecting weightloss and diet mentality as equating health. This is not something commonly accepted within the healthcare field, despite there being ample evidence for it. Keep your eyes (or ears?) peeled for future episodes discussing fat phobia and weight stigma in the general public and medicine!
I would love to hear your thoughts and comments for any episodes, as well as feedback and constructive criticism. The best way to get in touch with me is probably via Instagram (@widlims), but you can also reach me via Twitter (@widlims) or via the contact form here on my website (and if you know me personally, well – just ask!).