WIDLIMS podcast ep #6 – Intuitive Eating 101
In this short solo Sunday episode, I attempt to define intuitive eating for you by covering its 10 principles. We talk about how:
- intuitive eating was coined by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch (two white middle class women basing it on their practice as dieticians in the US)
- intuitive eating is an alternative to dieting and mindless eating many find themselves engaging in
- intuitive eating principles matter for medical doctors too
- the 10 principles as defined by its founders
Mentioned in the episode
Intuitive Eating official website: click HERE for intuitiveeating.org
Intuitive Eating book by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch (I highly recommend reading this: very interesting and dismantles diets, covers how to raise children as intuitive eaters and how its principles may be used in different eating disorders, too)
Christy Harrison’s Food Psych here
Laura Thomas’ Don’t Salt my Game here
Show notes for episode 5 with an episode player covering health at every size (HAES) and why diets do not work – may be found here (“Weight ‘management’ approaches – have we got it wrong?”)
Show notes for episode 4 with episode player may be found here (“The secret to lasting behaviour change”)
Thank you so much for listening!
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As always (again), I am very open to feedback about episodes or future topics in general, get in touch with me via Instagram or Twitter, or comment on here: what did you think? What would you like to see more of? I am all ears!

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